Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And Another year passes

It is funny how we let things get in the way of what we want to do. I promised myself I would keep up with my blog more in the last year, but didn't. Going to try and do a better job of putting down my thoughts and feelings as this next year continues

And another year passes

Isn't it funny how fast a year can pass? I promised to keep up with my blog more, but had a rough year and didn't have anything much good to say. This year is starting off much better, so hopefully I can finally keep my promise to myself and keep up with blogging.. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thinking of what was lost

Over the years people make choices that turn out either good or bad. As a Dom sometimes those choices eat at you. Several years ago I met a young submissive who was willing to give me her safeword. Now, this is not something to take lightly. At the time I decided that I didn't truly have the time to care for her the way I should. In retrospect, I realize that I was more worried about what people would think of the age difference than the issue of lifestyle. That is one of the few choices in life that I would dearly love to change.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Tied in the night

The shootings at Virginia Tech made me think about the way we as humans think. It is like our brains are tightly bound in a dark room once we reach a certain point in our life. Our opinions of other races, religions, and countries are carved in stone. This makes the process of attempting to forge peace almost impossible. Here we are tied and gagged by the things we have learned. We need to find a way to lose these bonds and open up to all people or we will never find a way to peace.
Yes, I like bondage as an adult activity, but bondage that is consentual still leaves the mind free to form understandings. Bondage that we are not aware of or unable to free ourselves from will never set us free. Don't look at the person next door or across town and wonder what is different, think about what you have in common. this is the only way to peace.

Friday, April 27, 2007

What does it take?

what does it take for a man to understand that his life has had no meaning up to this point? And how much more does it take for him to change that life into something more positive? People say all you need to do is decide to be different, but an old saying comes to mind. "the chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken"
what habits do we have that keep us from doing whatever we are really here for? Let's face it,I don't believe that when we want to change, there is more to it than that. We need to find something within ourselves to motivate the change, how do we do that.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

शाल we take on the world here.

I listen to the news and wonder what happened to us since the 60's. We wanted freedom and equality for everyone, but we aren't even close to achieving it. If anything we have slid backwards. wars over religion are nothing new, but what holy book says to make war on the world? None that I know of. People say that the darkness of the heart that leads to things like the Virginia Tech shootings is an epedimic, but what is the cure? I believe the cure is to treat everyone like they are special, like what they say matters, and like the religious differences we have are simply two different people trying to understand something beyond their comprehension.

Friday, November 10, 2006

A night of thought

Once again I found myself unable to sleep last night. And my thoughts turned to the concept of dominance and submission. I found myself lingering on the slight difference between the two. A Dom is uncomfortable when they are not in control and making decisions, a sub is uncomfortable when they are in control. Does that mean that a Dom is always in control and a sub always out of control? No, the biggest reason that so many people get involved in the submissive side of the BDSM community is to relieve the tension that having to be in control in their day to day lives. Conversely, over the years I have met many Doms who have to allow someone else to control their lives at work and the lifestyle allows them to releave that tension as well. In the perfect society no one would have to live an uncomfortable life, nor would anyone have to try and be what they are not.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Sometimes in life we think we know what we want, then we find that we have completely misunderstood our own desires. I wonder why humans are like this. Maybe we are cursed by having the ability to analyze our actions and sometimes are frozen into inaction by that curse.